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Grúas autopropulsadas
Marca / modelo
Grove RT880E
Horas de uso
5,941 h
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador
Grado general
Mascus ID


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Capacidad máxima de elevación
80,000 kg
Más información
FOB Halifax, Nova Scotia 2011 Grove Model RT880E, SIN: 231288, 80-ton hydraulic rough terrain crane, with all standard equipment including: BOOM: 41-128 ft. (12.6-39.0m) 4-section, sequenced synchronized full power MEGAFORM style boom with integral holding valves on the telescope cylinders. Four (4) quick reeve nylatron sheaves in the main boom nose. Auxiliary single sheave boom nose. BOOM ELEVATION: One double-acting hydraulic cylinder (-3° to 78°) with integral holding valve. BOOM EXTENSION: Includes 33-56 ft (10.1-17.lm) Manual offsettable bi-fold swingaway. LOAD MOMENT AND ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEM ("Graphic LMI"): Audio­visual (light/buzzer) warning system and Grove control lever lockout system with electronic display of boom angle and length, relative load moment indication, rated load, load, radius and boom tip height. The standard Work Area Definition System allows the operator to pre-select and define safe working areas. If the crane approaches the pre-set limits, audio-visual warnings aid the operator in avoiding job-site obstructions. CAB: All galvanealed steel with acoustical lining and tinted safety glass throughout; cab tilts to 20· for greater comfort; deluxe seat with armrest mounted single-axis controllers, gauges for engine functions, steering wheel, electric horn, windshield washer/wiper, air conditioning, hot water cab heater with defroster, opening skylight with wiper, sunscreen, fire extinguisher, seat belt, circulating air fan, (2) cab mounted work lights, and level indicator. SWING: 360° continuous rotation planetary "Glide Swing" with foot actuated multi-disc brake, hydraulic swing parking brake, and plunger-type 2 position house lock and pinion guard. COUNTERWEIGHT: One piece 18,000 lb (8 165 kg), hydraulically installed and removed. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM:(]) piston pump and (1) gear pump, steel hydraulic tank with external sight level indicator, filter condition gauge, pressure check ports and hydraulic oil cooler. HOISTS: Model HP30-l 9G grooved drum main & auxiliary hoists, two speeds power up and down with automatic multi-disc brake, electronic hoist rotation indicator, hoist drwn cable follower and hoist mirror. WIRE ROPE: 600 ft. (I 83 m) of 3/4 in. (19 mm) diameter 6 X 37 class installed on main hoist, 607 ft. (185m) of 3/4 (19mm) 35 x 7 class wire rope. HOOK BLOCK: 80 ton (75 mt); 5 sheave, "quick reeve" type with swivel hook and safety latch. Wt. 1,318 lb. (598 kg) HEADACHE BALL: IO ton (9.1 mt) top swivel with hook and safety latch; Wt. 568 lb. (257 kg) OUTRIGGERS: Hydraulic front and rear. Double box and beam with integral check valves and steel outrigger pads, three position setting charts provided for fully extended, half extended and fully retracted beams. ENGINE: Cummins QSB6.7.L (Tier Ill) 6 cylinder turbo charged water cooled diesel; 275 hp ... 2500 rpm. torque 732 ft-lb ... 1500 rpm. with hour meter, air service indicator, (120 V) engine block heater, engine distress audio-visual warning system and Can-Bus diagnostics. TRANSMISSION: Powershift with integral torque converter, 6 forward and 6 reverse speeds. DRIVE/STEER: 4-whee\ drive, 4 -wheel/ 4 mode steering. AXLE OSCILLATION: Front axle rigid mounted to chassis frame. Rear axle oscillates up to IO in. (254 mm) with automatic oscillation lockout. BRAKES: Dual line full hydraulic braking system with front axle mounted spring applied parking brake. TIRES: 29.5 X 25 - 34 General bias ply type. LIGHTS: Full lighting package includes tum indicators, headlights, taillights, brake lights, 4-way hazard lights, and cab mounted work light. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: 12 V lighting/ starting; (2) 12 V batteries with battery disconnect switch. CRANESTAR: Hardware for CraneSTAR asset management system. VALUE PACKAGE: Includes 33-56 ft (10.1-17. lm) Manual offsettable bi-fold swingaway, 360 degree NYC style swing lock, and Auxiliary Hoist Package.Mostrar más

Capital Cranes

20 Sagona Ave A1N 4R2 Mount Pearl Newfoundland and Labrador Canadá
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