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Piezas y equipos para grúas
Marca / modelo
PPM ATT 300-900
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Tošanovice, Moravskoslezský
República Checa
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Mascus ID


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Número de unidad
uni 02,2
Ultima revisión
Número de serie
uni 02,2
Dimensiones de transporte (LaxAnxAl)
150 x 75 x 50 mm
País de fabricación
República Checa
Más información
Hey! Some of the owners of older types of PPM truck cranes are familiar with this issue. A fault caused by a defective relay board fitted with either RHN 412 or RHK 412 relays. The problem might lie solely in the relay, but the printed circuit board or the relay socket could also be damaged. This fault is encountered by owners of PPM truck cranes manufactured in different periods and of various types Every mechanic who discovers a fault in the given circuit knows that the RHN and RHK relays have not been produced since 2022, and global supplies are low. Moreover, the market is driving up prices. Buying a baseboard is also neither easy nor cheap, and the cost is quite high. Today, there are many cranes around us facing this problem. After extensive research, we have found a solution that is quick, high-quality, and reasonably priced. The PS-UNI relay board is our solution, and we have already used it on many truck cranes of various categories. It has helped us solve problems with the old design, and its use is straightforward. Anyone can see that this solution is easy. As seen in the picture, the new board has the same types and locations of connectors as the old one, making its replacement easy. It uses industrial-grade relays, which ensure reliable functionality. Its versatility lies in the fact that it can be used in circuits with both the small RHN relay and the large RHK relay. You only need to select the correct variant during installation. This is done using microswitches located next to relays R1 or R2. If we were replacing a board where a small RHN relay was used, we switched the microswitches to position 1 and 2, and this applies to each relay. Similarly, if a small relay is used in the R2 position, the microswitch for relay R2 should also be in position 1 and 2. If we were replacing a board where a large RHK relay was used, we switched the microswitches to the ON position. This applies to each relay R1. Similarly, if a large relay is used in the R2 position, the microswitch for relay R2 should also be in the ON position. Next, we mounted the board in the same position as the old one, using the original brackets and connecting the sockets, which have the same positions as the original. This way, we have already helped several cranes. The relays used in the PS-UNI board are industrial relays that are readily available on the market, and the inputs and outputs on the connectors have the same values according to the documentation.Mostrar más
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