Mobile radial stacker/feeder, or shiploader.
Designed for material of bulk density of 750 kg/cbm, equipped with wireless remote control and touchscreen control panel. Diesel engine is used for travelling, and electrical power is necessary for all the other functions. Maximum capacity with boom lifting angle at 2 degrees is 1150 cbm/h; maximum with boom angle of 27 degrees is 720 cbm/h.
It is equipped with two outriggers, capable of supporting operation with boom turned to either side. Boom maximum angle of turn is 60 degrees to both sides, or 17 meters from one side to another. Maximum boom height is 12 meters, or 27 degrees. Boom is foldable.
Shiploader is equipped with crawlers, maximum travelling speed is 220 m/h.
Feed hopper can be lifted up till 6.5 degrees, hopper sides can be tilted upwards to facilitate feeding of material to conveyor 1.
Conveyor 1 (receiving from hopper and delivering to boom conveyor) is speed-regulated, depending on amount of material and to prevent from overfeeding of boom conveyor. All main bearings have temperature measuring and monitoring system.
There is a remote connection available via mobile cellular network, which allows the manufacturer to assist with errors and troubleshooting.
Apart from possibility of receiving material directly from trucks, the shiploader can be used with feeding system of any kind, like extra conveyors or wheel loaders, etc.
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