Iveco strator tractor Units
Here are all the classified ads of used Iveco strator available for sale. You can them by year of production, price, working hours or country. To narrow your search, please use the left hand side navigation.
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- Strator 450 TorpedoStralis AS 440 S46 TPStralis 480Stralis AS 440 S40Stralis AS 440Stralis 420Stralis AS 440 S48 TStralis 400Stralis-440Stralis-560Stralis 500Stralis 510Stralis 430Stralis 440 S45Stralis 450Stralis 570Stralis S-Way 440-51 T/PStralis-450Stralis 440Stralis 440 S48Stralis AS 440 S 42Stralis AS 440 S 42 TPStralis AS 440 S 45 TPStralis AS 440 S 46 TPStralis AS 440 S42Stralis AS 440 S50 TPStralis AS 560Stralis AT 440 S46 TPAS 440 S48AS 440 ST/PAS 440 S40 T/PAS 440 S50AS 440 STAS 440 E48AS 440 S43 TPAS 440 S45AS 440 S45 TPAS 440 S57 TX/FPAS 440 TS-Way AS 440S-Way 490S-Way 510S-Way AS 440.180S-Way 530S-Way AS 440 S49 T/P440460440S 48440S 46440S 51480Trakker 450Trakker AT 440 TTrakker 560 SIVITrakker AT 440 T5050C 1740C 13 T40C 1740C 183580E 22Eurocargo 100 E22Eurocargo 180 E28X-Way 490X-Way 510190-3235C 18440E 42440ET 38450720E 42AD 260 T45AS 480AS 260AS 450AS 480AS 500 EcostralisAS 510AS 560Daily 40 C17Eurostar 440 E52 TEurotech 440 E42ML 80 EMagirus 190-232 4X4Turbostar 190 E36
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Transportation Tractor Units Iveco Strator
Tractor Units • 2009 • 245487km • Gilze, NL • Versteijnen Trucks B.V.
41,540 GBP
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