Man 12.240 cabins and interior
Here are all the classified ads of used Man 12.240 available for sale. You can them by year of production, price, working hours or country. To narrow your search, please use the left hand side navigation.
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- Sale
- 12.240TGA 18.380TGA 18.390TGA 18.430TGA 18.530TGA 18.240TGA 18.320TGA 18.350TGA 18.360TGA 18.460TGA 18.480TGA 13.250TGA 18.400 BLSTGA 18.410TGA 33.3608.16318.48016.170F 2000F 9010.16319.403FE 410FE 410 ATGM 12.280TGM 13.29012.23263012.25018.46028.31028.48041.5308.210L 2000LE 12.220
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- 24 h latest3 d latest7 d latest14 d latest30 d latest
Transportation Spare parts Cabins and interior MAN 12.240
Cabins and interior • 2007 • 520852km • Budapest, HU • Laslo Truck
6,714 GBP
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