Man 18.220 other trucks
Here are all the classified ads of used Man 18.220 available for sale. You can them by year of production, price, working hours or country. To narrow your search, please use the left hand side navigation.
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- 18.220TGS 26.440TGS 26.480TGS 27.440TGS 27.480TGS 26.400TGS 35.500TGS 18.360TGS 18.400 BLSTGS 26.440 BLSTGS 41.480TGS 18.320TGS 19.440TGS 26.360TGS 26.500TGS 33.440 BBTGS 33.580TGS 35.440TGA 26.400TGA 26.430TGA 18.310TGA 18.350TGA 18.360TGA 18.400TGA 26.360TGA 28.390TGA 32.463 FFDCTGA 35.360TGA 35.390TGA 35.410TGA 35.480TGM 13.250TGM 12.290TGM 18.240TGM 18.250TGM 18.280TGM 18.340TGM 25.280TGL 8.180TGL 12.190TGL 7.150TGL 8.190TGL 8.25026.44012.250KATLE 280LE 10.16014.22415.284 LC41.364A 26A 3514.22018.26418.28418.32018.33018.50019.29319.31419.32119.37219.40324.48025.42226.28026.40026.41327.44027.48030.24033.29233.40035.44035.48041.4408.220F 2000M 1014
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Transportation Trucks Other trucks MAN 18.220
Other trucks • 2002 • 26700km • -, PL • Dominik Pater PPHU 'STAR-SAN-DUO'
37,680 GBP
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